Deans Advisory Council convenes some of MUSC pharmacy's finest

Roby Hill
February 03, 2023
Phoenicia Miracle presents to the Dean's Advisory Council
Phoenicia Miracle presents during the Dean's Advisory Council virtual meeting on February 2

Top leaders and stakeholders in the MUSC pharmacy family came together in the Dean's Advisory Council's first 2023 meeting on February 2, 2023. The main topics discussed included:

  • New building status
  • Recruiting strategy and results
  • Accreditation
  • Advancement -- special announcements and fundraising strategy and implementation

The council was created a number of years ago to bring together leaders from many different walks in the pharmacy profession. It meets regularly to provide insight on the future of pharmacy and give feedback on the college's strategy and practices. 

"We're incredibly grateful for the time and energy our Dean's Advisory Council members invest into the college," said Philip D. Hall, dean of the MUSC College of Pharmacy. "Their insight and counsel help inform our strategy and enhance our ability to keep the MUSC College of Pharmacy the special place that it is."


Dean's Advisory Council members

Johnny J. Bethea

Terry A. Blackmon 

Harold E. Chappelear

Lisa M. Cordes 

Andrew Fariello 

Roddy Gettys 

William H. Golod 

Stephen Greene 

W. Mike Heath 

Rob Hubbard 

R. Kelly Hunt 

Saswat K. Kabisatpathy 

Arnold Karig 

Shea Manigo 

Eric Ridings 

Rick Schnatz 

Jennifer Stephens

Staff: Phoenicia Miracle

NOTE: George P. Reid recently retired and ended his tenure after serving for many years.