MUSC Pharmacy Students Succeed

Graduating student satisfaction, on-time graduation, and residency placement exceed 90 percent. We are a top academic medical center located in historic Charleston, SC focused on interprofessional education and research.

MUSC College of Pharmacy students in white coats

Student Organizations

Student organizations are a great way to get involved. The organizations are voluntary and can provide additional networking, education, entertainment, and a sense of community outside classes. Each organization is an affiliate or chapter of a national organization and provides its own unique perspective and opportunities. The student organization network is managed through the College of Pharmacy Student Government Association (COP SGA), which also acts as liaison with the University’s Student Government Association. The membership of the COP SGA includes an executive board, leadership from all student organizations and Class Officers. The COP SGA provides organization to the many events, both social and professional, for the student body. Student organization events include social gatherings, community outreach, networking opportunities, fundraisers, educational seminars, and other professional development activities. 

The Medical University of South Carolina also offers ways for students to get involved in interprofessional student organizations, affinity groups, intramural sports, wellness initiatives, volunteer opportunities, and many other activities. MUSC Gives Back presents opportunities for students to learn about the community, provide needed services, and document their individual community service hours. 

The MUSC College of Pharmacy has student chapters of the following national pharmacy organizations: 

American Pharmacists Association

American Pharmacists Association (APhA), founded in 1852, is the largest association of pharmacists in the United States, with more than 62,000 practicing pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists, student pharmacists, pharmacy technicians as members. APhA is the organization whose members are recognized in society as essential in all patient care settings for optimal medication use that improves health, wellness, and quality of life. Through information, education, and advocacy APhA empowers its members to improve medication use and advance patient care. The vision of APhA is to inspire, innovate, and create opportunities for members and pharmacists worldwide to optimize medication use and health for all. As the voice of pharmacy, APhA leads the profession and equips members for their role as the medication expert in team-based, patient-centered care. APhA will accomplish this by:

  • Advancing pharmacists' optimal roles in team-based, patient-centered care.
  • Providing opportunities for professional development, recognition, differentiation, and leadership.
  • Disseminating timely relevant information and state-of-the-art tools and resources.
  • Raising societal awareness about the role of pharmacists as essential in patient care for optimal medication use.
  • Creating unique opportunities for members to connect and share with peers across practice settings.

American Society of Health-System Pharmacists

American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) represents pharmacists who serve as patient care providers in acute and ambulatory settings. The organization’s 45,000 members include pharmacists, student pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. For more than 75 years ASHP has been at the forefront of efforts to improve medication use and enhance patient safety.

Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International

Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International (CPFI) is a worldwide ministry of individuals working in all areas of pharmaceutical service and practice. Our mission is to serve Christ and the world through pharmacy. Our core values are to:

  • Provide Godly encouragement and fellowship among like-minded professionals
  • Challenge and promote spiritual growth of members
  • Advance student chapter ministries to strengthen and equip student pharmacists
  • Encourage the advancement of knowledge and ethics in practice
  • Promote evangelism and the integration of faith into practice
  • Provide support and opportunities for Christian service and outreach

Industry Pharmacists Organization

Industry Pharmacists Organization (IPhO) is the organization whose pharmacist members are universally recognized within the pharmaceutical industry as being the most professionally equipped to contribute to the development, commercialization, promotion, and optimal use of medicines. IPhO is exclusively dedicated to advancing the careers of industry pharmacists. IPhO accomplishes this by:

  • Providing timely and relevant information that is vital to our members.
  • Raising awareness among employers and industry executives about the role that industry pharmacists can play in drug development and appropriate medication use.
  • Providing targeted resources and coaching to enhance members' continuing education and professional development.
  • Creating opportunities for members to network and exchange ideas with their industry pharmacist peers.
  • Providing access to attractive and relevant employment opportunities available in the industry.

National Community Pharmacists Association

National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) represents the pharmacist owners, managers, and employees of more than 22,000 independent community pharmacies across the United States. The nation's independent pharmacies, independent pharmacy franchises, and independent chains dispense approximately 40 percent of the nation's retail prescription medicines.

The nation's independent pharmacists are small business entrepreneurs and multifaceted health care providers who represent a vital part of the United States' health care delivery system. They have roots in America's communities. They are community leaders actively involved in community-oriented public health, civic, and volunteer projects. Many hold local elected offices; others serve as state legislators.

  • We are dedicated to the continuing growth and prosperity of independent community pharmacy in the United States.
  • We are the national pharmacy association representing the professional and proprietary interests of independent community pharmacists and will vigorously promote and defend those interests.
  • We are committed to high-quality pharmacist care and to restoring, maintaining, and promoting the health and well-being of the public we serve.
  • We believe in the inherent virtues of the American free enterprise system and will do all we can to ensure the ability of independent community pharmacists to compete in a free and fair marketplace.
  • We value the right to petition the appropriate legislative and regulatory bodies to serve the needs of those we represent.
  • We will utilize our resources to achieve these ends in an ethical and socially responsible manner.

National Pharmaceutical Association

National Pharmaceutical Association (NPhA) is a nationwide, professional organization of pharmacists founded by Dr. Chauncey I. Cooper in 1947. Dr. Cooper recognized the vital need to develop a pharmacy organization focused on the needs of the minority community. He strived to promote excellence and uniformity among minority health professionals in order to improve the quality of health care in minority communities. NPhA is dedicated to representing the views and ideals of minority pharmacists on critical issues affecting Health care and pharmacy, as well as advancing the standards of pharmaceutical care among all practitioners. The vision of the NPhA is: 

  • To support a system of education and professional training which assure the public the availability of competent personnel to the accepted functions of the practice of pharmacy, especially disenfranchised communities.
  • To promote good health by providing information for the safe effective use of medications by members of the health professions the general public.
  • To provide information on current topics and medical products services through newsletters, journals, conventions, and zone meetings.
  • To encourage interest in the practice of pharmacy as a career, especially among minority students.
  • To encourage and maintain relations with members of other health professions and their respective organizations by being a voice on public policy issues affecting and in representing minority patients and pharmacists.
  • To maintain lines of communication between the organization and its membership so that their needs are accurately represented.
  • To provide continuing pharmaceutical education for its members.
  • To pursue such other lawful purposes within its corporate powers as may be approved from time to time by the House of Delegates or Board of Directors.

Phi Delta Chi

The mission of Phi Delta Chi is to provide a lifelong home for pharmacy professionals inspiring Brotherhood, Leadership, Service, and Scholarship. Phi Delta Chi:

  • Is widely recognized for empowering Brothers to lead and serve
  • Offers programs and experiences that support Brothers across all stages of their lives
  • Has a vibrant national network of both collegiate and alumni chapters
  • Sustains a strong pipeline of leaders actively engaged in the pharmacy profession
  • Has a robust and agile infrastructure to support growth in a dynamic environment
  • Maintains a closely aligned partnership with the Pharmacy Leadership & Education Institute (PLEI) to deliver value to the Brotherhood

Phi Lambda Sigma

The mission of Phi Lambda Sigma, also known as the national Pharmacy Leadership Society, is to support pharmacy leadership commitment by recognizing leaders and fostering leadership development. Members are selected by peer recognition.

Rho Chi Society

The Rho Chi Society seeks to advance pharmacy through intellectual leadership. As the academic honor society in pharmacy, the Rho Chi Society:

  • Encourages and recognizes intellectual achievement
  • Stimulates critical inquiry to advance pharmacy
  • Contributes to the development of intellectual leaders
  • Promotes highest ethical standards
  • Fosters collaboration

Membership in The Rho Chi Society is a privilege accorded to the very few who distinguish themselves by their academic and professional achievements and who aspire to the mission and vision of the Society.