ACS DMC creates award honoring Pat Woster

Roby Hill
February 03, 2025
Pat Woster

The American Chemical Society Division of Medicinal Chemistry (MEDI) has created an award in honor of the late Patrick Woster, who served as SmartState Endowed Chair in Drug Discovery and chair of the Department of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences at the MUSC College of Pharmacy. 

To celebrate and acknowledge the national and international service legacy of Dr. Woster, MEDI has created the Patrick Woster Award for Service to the Division of Medicinal Chemistry.

In addition to his stellar service to the MUSC College of Pharmacy, the late Dr. Wosterserved as an officer for the ACS Division of Medicinal Chemistryfor 25 years as division secretary and webmaster, division chair, and membership and international relations chair. He was the driving force initiating MEDI's online presence and he spearheaded the creation of the Medicinal Chemistry Hall of Fame, of which he is now a member.

He was inducted in 2019 at the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, joining the fewer than 100 elite scientists previously honored with Hall of Fame membership for their significant contributions to the field of medicinal chemistry. The Hall of Fame includes three Nobel laureates.