College honors outstanding personnel to close retreat

Roby Hill
July 10, 2024
Dean Philip Hall with award winners Ron Neyens and Mark Hamann

Each year, the College of Pharmacy selects four individuals to honor for outstanding work in a particular area. The winners were announced at the conclusion of the 2024 Summer Retreat, held July 8-9, 2024, in the Medical University of South Carolina Wellness Center on the Charleston campus. 

The 2024 award winners include:

  • Outstanding Mentor Award: Ron Neyens, clinical pharmacy specialist - neurocritical care, MUSC Pharmacy Services
  • Outstanding Researcher Award: Mark Hamann, Charles and Carol Cooper Endowed Chair in Pharmacy and SmartState Endowed Chair in Drug Discovery
  • Outstanding Staff Award: Joey Addison, business manager, College of Pharmacy
  • Outstanding Teaching Award: Jennifer Wisniewski, assistant professor of clinical pharmacy and outcomes sciences (award accepted on her behalf by Chris Wisniewski, see below)
Dean Philip Hall with Outstanding Staff Award winner Joey Addison and Outstanding Teaching Award winner Jennifer Wisniewski, on screen, with award accepted by Chris Wisniewski