Anthony DeClue notches national honor with Phi Lambda Sigma2025 Alumni of the Year Award

Roby Hill
March 13, 2025
Anthony DeClue elected PLS president

Phi Lambda Sigma announced this week that the 2025 PLS Alumni of the Year Award was won by Anthony DeClue.

The award, which will be presented at a virtual Awards Ceremony on April 12, 2025, comes with an engraved plaque and $500 donated in DeClue’s honor to an organization of his choosing.

This national honor recognizes alumni of Phi Lambda Sigma (PLS) who have exemplified leadership qualities in support of the profession of pharmacy.

“The PLS Awards Committee was extremely impressed by your outstanding accomplishments in education, service to PLS and passion in mentoring the future leaders in our profession,” wrote Gloria Cheng, PLS Awards Committee chairperson. “I am thrilled that you were nominated for this award. We are honored to recognize your leadership.”

DeClue is a pharmacist in the college's Medication Therapy Management Center and has served as an assistant professor of clinical pharmacy and outcome sciences since 2017. He has also served as a staff pharmacist for Walmart and as a consultant for EdLogics. His path to pharmacy was a little unorthodox, as prior to that he taught rhetoric at Clemson University, where he earned a master’s degree in English before coming to the MUSC College of Pharmacy for his Pharm.D.

Earning a bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies with concentrations in secondary education, English, and philosophy is uncommon pre-pharmacy coursework. But it has served DeClue well, since the art of communication and persuasion is a vital function for both teaching students and treating patients. He teaches primarily in the community and clinical assessment lab courses, with some additional lecturing in a variety of other courses.

“Dr. DeClue is an outstanding example of the MUSC pharmacy experience,” said Philip Hall, dean of MUSC College of Pharmacy. “He’s been exemplary in the gamut of MUSC pharmacy, from student to alumnus to faculty member and now as a recognized leader in the pharmacy profession. He’s very deserving of this honor and joins a roster of great MUSC pharmacists accorded national PLS awards.”

Past winners of national Phi Lambda Sigma honors among MUSC pharmacy faculty, students, and alumni 

National Alumnus of the Year Award
2010 Pamela Whitmire, ’80, ’90
2011 Colonel William Heath, ’74
2012 Bobby Bradham, ’77
2014 Ralph Wilkie, ’53
2017 Katherine Chessman, ’84, ’86
2019 Terry Blackmon, ’80
2022 Kristy Brittain
2025 Anthony DeClue, ’16

PLS Proctor & Gamble National Leadership Award
2004 Jean Nappi
2008 Joseph T. DiPiro
2012 Wayne Weart, R ’72
2016 John Bosso
2021 Cathy Worrall

Charles Thomas Leadership Challenge
2003 MUSC Beta Chi
2004 MUSC Beta Chi
2021 MUSC Beta Chi

Chapter of the Year
2006 MUSC Beta Chi
2009 MUSC Beta Chi

Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award
2008 Cathy Worrall (Beta Chi)
2020 Brie Dunn, ’08 (University of South Carolina, Zeta)

Charles C. Thomas National Pharmacy Leadership Society Founder's Award
2008 Brie Dunn, ’08 (University of South Carolina, Zeta)