Julia Hormann wins national award, scholarship

P3 Julia Hormann had quite a week. Not only did the third-year student find out she had won the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Foundation Marvin and Joanell Dyrstad Scholarship, she also was one of four students selected for the 2025 APhA-Academy of Student Pharmacists (ASP) Student Leadership Award!
Established in 1983, the APhA Student Leadership Awards recognize outstanding academic achievement and leadership ability in APhA-ASP at the local, regional, and national levels of students who are currently in their next to the last year of pharmacy school. The award consists of a scholarship of $500 and a laminated plaque to each recipient, presented at the APhA-ASP Awards Ceremony during the APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition.
The Marvin and Joanell Dyrstad Scholarship is a $1,000 award and was established by Marvin and Joanell Dyrstad, owners of the Red Wing Corner Drug and Corner Medical Center Pharmacy in Minnesota.
“I am deeply honored and immensely grateful to have been selected for these awards," Hormann said. "This recognition provides me with the exciting opportunity to attend my first APhA Annual Meeting in March. I look forward to connecting with fellow students at the meeting, and to continuing my education during my APPE rotations later this year.”
Hormann earned a BA in biology from the College of Charleston in 2022 before entering the MUSC College of Pharmacy, where she is active in the APhA-ASP (serving as chapter president), Phi Lambda Sigma (serving as secretary/treasurer), Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity (serving as 2nd vice regent) and is a member of pharmacy honorary society Rho Chi. After spending a year as a student delegate to the South Carolina Pharmacy Association (SCPhA) last year, she currently serves as an SCPhA junior board member.